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About Nickdocs

Nickdocs is my public way of sharing knowledge in a fixed place.

I was used to make a lot of content for Twitter, and it is good to teach things there, but after some days, weeks, months, that content completely evaporates and it becomes hard to find again. A needle in a haystack I would say (I tweet a lot).

So here I can create content without needing to worry about not finding it again, since everything becomes easier when you agroup into topics, tags and more.

And also it is way more customizable and organized than So that's a plus.

Here on Docs you will see about technical and direct stuff. I will teach things, but trying to be really "to the point", without agrouping a lot of content in a single text.

So for example if I will teach about Strings, I will try not going too much further from the topic, the smaller piece of abstraction the better.